Geisha en peppernuts since 1955

Established in Osaka, June 17th, 1955 


The objective of the NVWJ is to develop good relations among members of the Dutch community, taking care of the social and cultural needs of the Dutch community in West Japan, the promotion of general Dutch interests, of course in complete cooperation with the authorities, the collection of funds to the benefit of Dutch or International charities or to support citizens, institutions or organizations of the Netherlands.


ANNUAL: St. Nicholas celebrations; New year's drink; Hanami and easter egg hunt

OTHER: Cultural events, Casual meetings at members’ homes, BBQ, swimming, Hiking


Activities are open to all members. Non-members are also welcome at most of the NVWJ’s activities.


Membership Year : October 1 through September 30

Membership fee: free


Boukje Bruinsma Chair

Rob Kuipers Website and event planning

Rick Hoek                            Penningmeester

Martijn Zwama                 Event planning

Frank Zaal                           Event planning

Jelle Simons                       Event planning

Kjeld Duits                          Honorary member